Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Man, fuck work.

Sorry, not the best way to say "Happy Wednesday", huh?  It's been one of those days, though.  One of those day-before-you-leave-on-vacation-and-everything-sucks sort of days.

But it's 6:30 p.m., I'm posting my billing, and then I can finally head home and try to pretend I don't have any responsibilities for days and days. 

I decided against the guest blogger posts.  I'll post pictures straight from my phone and call them blog entries.  I don't care.  (Honestly, I meant to email the few of you who were awesome enough to volunteer, and then the days got away from me and now it's way too late, but I do appreciate the offers and I'll totally take you up on them the next time I go somewhere...assuming i can get my shit together before the day I'm supposed to leave, of course.)

I've got more, but for now, the posting is done and so am I.  Homeward bound, I am.  Till then, friends...


  1. Whohoo!! Enjoy your vacation. I'm jealous! :)

  2. Have fun and, whatever you do, don't give any of us, your loyal followers, a second thought!




  3. I'm sorry you had such a sucky day. HAVE A BLAST!!


Please don't make me cry.


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